Manteo House
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The Manteo House and its detached apartment provide 6000 sqft of interior space, including 7 bedrooms, a den, parlor, formal dining room, breakfast nook, second-floor lounge, and 4 covered porches, one of which is screened. Situated on an acre of land surrounded by a white picket fence, the property is ideal for events or full-house rentals. The spacious gourmet kitchen is available for event or with whole house rental.
About the House
The Manteo House, locally referred to as the Evans Family Homeplace, boasts a unique blend of original 1871 elements such as wooden flooring, doors, window frames, and transoms, complemented by custom Honduran mahogany in its extended wings. Upon entering the main foyer, visitors are greeted with a harmonious fusion of antique charm and modern flair, featuring marble flooring, imported mahogany baseboards and ceiling trim, and a prized mid-1800s tiger oak entryway hutch.